Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Wafa Faith Hallam
Published March 20, 2016

Do you know that unhappiness builds up over time and can become so toxic that it can kill you?  I should know, my mother passed away because of too much unhappiness. When she was about my age she began complaining of lack even though she had more than most.  Her unhappiness led to severe clinical depression and soon she was so sick her immune system completely collapsed. She was never diagnosed with any particular life-threatening disease. She was just always complaining and unhappy. My mother’s death is the reason why understanding happiness and being happy became paramount questions for me.

For most people, unhappiness begins with wanting what they do not have. And the reasons are unmet expectations, a flawed belief system, and a deep misunderstanding of what Happiness is.

What if I told you that the whole premise behind the cherished Jeffersonian concept of the “Pursuit of Happiness” is misleading to begin with; that the traditional formula is broken, that it is the other way around? Happiness is not a pursuit; it is not the result of chasing and achieving our goals but the pre-requisite for them. It is not because of our unmet expectations that we are unhappy.  It is because we are unhappy that we have unmet expectations.

The problem is each desire is only a goalpost; as such it only brings temporary pleasure, and pushes farther away true lasting happiness. Hence, Happiness becomes a mirage, an illusion! It doesn’t matter how hard we work and how much material success we achieve, that’s no guarantee we will be happy. Therefore happiness becomes more and more elusive and hard to pin down, doesn’t it? 

So if success, things and people cannot make us happy how can we ever hope for happiness? 

We need to understand what Happiness is:

Happiness is a STATE of MIND, and as such it cannot be found OUTSIDE the MIND.  So when we outsource our happiness, when we look to sources outside of ourselves, like people, things and careers we are bound to fail. Material things and other people cannot make us happy for long.

Happiness is a CHOICE. What we focus on, we strengthen!
In his bestselling book, The Happiness Advantage, Harvard researcher in the field of Positive Psychology Shawn Achor writes: “What we spend more time and mental energy focusing on can indeed become our reality.”  And because our beliefs affect our perceptions, what we choose to see will directly affect our state of mind.

Happiness must be cultivated within: We are born happy. It is our birthright. Circumstances and people cannot cause our unhappiness. It is not WHAT we are responding to but HOW we are responding to circumstances and people.

There are 7 ways to cultivate happiness:

1-    PRESENCE: Quieting the mind and being present.  Living one moment at a time, one day at a time. Our minds are often chatter boxes fixated on the past and the future and negating the only thing that’s real, this moment. Stillness or meditation is a great place to start. Begin by taking 2 or 3 deep breaths throughout the day.

2-    ACCEPTANCE: Which also means: Allowance and Surrender to what is! Everything in the world is based on duality, positive and negative, day and night, male and female, Yin and Yang and together they form wholeness. We must accept that love and hate, light and darkness, good and evil, cannot exist one without the other. Which do you choose to focus on? If the glass appears half full pick a smaller container.
3-    GRATITUDE: Every day when you awake, be thankful and appreciative of your blessings and all that you have, the small things and the large ones: Your life, health, family, your home, a warm shower.

4-    KINDNESS: Random acts of kindness towards strangers and loved ones are proven to help our state of mind. But also volunteering and giving back.

5-    LANGUAGE: Words have power, use positive language. Mind your words when you speak of yourself or others. Do not complain. Complaining makes things worse.

6-    NATURE: Exercise and spend more time in Nature. Nature helps us reconnect with our source.  Exercise flushes out toxins from the body and the mind and helps quiet the mind.

7-    SOCIAL NETWORKS and FUN TIME: Cherish your family and friends and spend more time with them and have Fun, Laugh, Smile whenever you can. Laughter is very healing. Avoid the news. Everything passes and nothing is that important in the end.

In conclusion, true lasting happiness can be had when we understand what it is.
REMEMBER that the formula is backward.
HAPPINESS MUST COME FIRST! -- Happiness is not the Goal but the Means.
Because when we are happy, we are more creative, more productive, more energetic, more resilient and healthier, and far more likely to be successful in all areas of life. 
And finally, Happiness is a State of Mind to be cultivated inside.

As John Milton wrote in his Paradise Lost, 350 years ago:

                 “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

Copyright © 2016 by Wafa Faith Hallam

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